MiMi's 5 pt Specialty Major
Milwaukee Specialty Show
July 29, 2000
MiMi's Best of Breed Win
Marshalltown, IA
April 2000
MiMi loved to show.......
MiMi's Retirement
Best Veteran Bitch
Heart of America Bulldog Club
April 2004
Our First Homebred Champion !
Finished with 4 majors all under Gracee's first show as a Special
Bulldog Breeder Judges all out of BEST IN SPECIALTY SHOW
the Bred By Exhibitor Class on Heart of America Bulldg Club
March 6, 2004 in Columbia, MO April 2004
In Jan 2005, Gracee took
us all the way to Orlando, FL !!
Best of Opposite
Lone Star Bulldog Club Specialty
Arlington, TX
October 1, 2004
Gracee in Best of Breed Gracee's Retirement
2006 Nationals Orlando, FL
Veteran Class
2009 Nationals
Kansas City, MO